
2nd Radio Battalion

The official command seal for 2nd Radio Battalion.
II MEF Information Group
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C.

The mission of Second Radio Battalion (2d RadBn) is to provide Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), limited cyberspace operations, and Special Intelligence (SI) communications support to the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) and Joint Forces Commander (JFC).

To accomplish this mission, 2d Radio Battalion employs task-organized forces in addition to providing crypto linguist, production and analyst, communications capabilities, and combat service support in support of a variety of global missions.

Featured Photos


2nd Radio Bn Change of Command

U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Steven J. Siclari, right, the outgoing commanding officer of 2nd Radio Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary Force...


2nd Radio BN and MSB Marines set up for TJ18

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jeffrey Washburn, with 2nd Radio Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group sets up an Odin’s Sphere in...


2nd Radio BN and MSB Marines set up for TJ18

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jeffrey Washburn, with 2nd Radio Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group sets up an Odin’s Sphere in...


2nd Radio BN and MSB Marines set up for TJ18

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jeffrey Washburn, with 2nd Radio Battalion, II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group sets up an Odin’s Sphere in...


Portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Jason E. Gwinn
Lieutenant Colonel Jason E. Gwinn
Commanding Officer, 2nd Radio Battalion

Lieutenant Colonel Jason E. Gwinn is a native of Marietta, Georgia, and enlisted in the Marine Corps in June 2000. In December 2006, Lieutenant Colonel Gwinn graduated from Officer Candidate School and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Antoine L. Brice
Sergeant Major Antoine L. Brice
2nd Radio Battalion Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major Antoine Brice is a Richmond, Virginia native. He enlisted in July 2000 and underwent recruit training at 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, Fox Company, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina.

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II Marine Expeditionary Force