
Equal Opportunity Advisor
The official homepage of II Marine Expeditionary Force. II MEF executes all-domain operations across the competitive continuum in order to support combatant commander objectives to deter armed conflict, prevail over competitors, and when required, defeat adversaries.


The Marine Corps is committed to maintaining a culture of dignity, respect, and trust in which all members of the organization are afforded equal treatment and opportunity to achieve their full potential based solely upon individual merit, fitness, intellect, and ability. All Marines will ensure that we cultivate an environment free from prohibited activities and conduct. An environment free from prohibited activities and conduct is critical to mission accomplishment, unit cohesion, and military readiness. Prohibited activities and conduct are unacceptable regardless of when or where it occurs and are prohibited in the Marine Corps. Such activities and conduct undermine morale, reduce combat readiness, and prevent maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps most vital asset: its people. They also undermine our Nation's trust and confidence in us as a fighting force.


Mika Haberlin-Sleppy

    II MEF Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA)

Office: (910) 451-7167

Cell/BB: (910) 467-1980



MEO Flyer



 As II MEF, we all have an opportunity and moral obligation to recognize our divine common ground;

To combat discrimination and intolerance and to promote self-worth, while recognizing individuals’ value.


2d MLG: 
2d MAW: