The Marine Corps, supported by OSD, established a web-based Injured/Ill Patient Tracking Website. The system is linked to the USMC Casualty Database and contains information on all injured/ill reported via a casualty report. The system provides the ability to track injured/ill throughout the entire medical pipeline, including convalescent leave and at VA facilities. The website is also available to HQMC and Marine For Life. Authorized personnel have the capability to enter, edit, and view information on the Injured/Ill Patient Tracking Website. Deployed commanders and their personnel staff have the capability to track Marines from arrival at the first medical treatment facility until the time they are returned to duty. The system is designed to leave medical details to the medical community and only focus on answering essential tracking and general diagnostic questions. In order to gain access to the IIPT, users will read and complete the steps outlined in the IIPT User's Guide (click here). This document will walk authorized personnel through the application process. Once the application process is complete and approved by MISSA, users can access IIPT(click here).
The point of contact for questions about, or problems with, the IIPT is Maj. Lindenthal via tel: 910-451-8246 or via email: .
The Marine Corps Wounded, Ill, and Injured Tracking System (MCWIITS) provides the ability for identifying, tracking, and facilitating support to current and former ill (veterans) and injured Marines, Sailors attached to or in support of Marine units, and their families throughout all of the phases of recovery. In order to gain access to the MCWIITS, users will read and complete the steps outlined in the MCWIITS User's Guide (click here). This document will walk authorized personnel through the application process. Once the application process is complete users can access MCWIITS (click here).