
All Service members, regardless of sexual orientation, are entitled to an environment free from personal, social, or institutional barriers that prevent Service members from rising to the highest level of responsibility possible.  Harassment or abuse based on sexual orientation is unacceptable and will be dealt with through command on inspector general channels.


The mission of the II MEF Command Inspector General (CIG) is to:

  • Investigate or inquire into allegations pertaining to inefficiency, misconduct, impropriety, mismanagement, or violations of law, and to provide staff oversight for Congressional or other special interest petitions for II MEF CIG assistance, interest, or action.
  • Identify and analyze factors which may inhibit or reduce readiness of II MEF and coordinate effective action.  Coordinate, conduct and evaluate inspections of II MEF forces.
  • Facilitate the request mast process through reviewing petitions for completeness, and advising the Commanding General, Commanding Officers and Marines on all aspects of the request mast program. Per MCO 1700.23F, all request mast petitions are to be initiated and routed through the Marine's chain of command to be properly addressed. Attached in this web site is a Request Mast form that will be used for all formal request mast petitions.


To report allegations of fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement, call our hotline at (910) 451-5555 or submit a complaint via the link below.



To contact the II MEF Inspector General, call (910) 451-7497 (commercial) or 751-7497 (DSN).

Included below is the link to the Command Inspector General's organizational mailbox. You may submit requests (including Inspector General Action Requests (IGAR) or Request Mast) to this mailbox, and a confirmation receipt will be provided the next working day.

Organization Mailbox:


II Marine Expeditionary Force