

2nd Radio Battalion Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major Antoine L. Brice

Sergeant Major Antoine Brice is a Richmond, Virginia native. He enlisted in July 2000 and underwent recruit training at
2nd Recruit Training Battalion, Fox Company, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina. In November
2000, Sergeant Major Brice completed Marine Combat Training at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He then went to 29
Palms, California and completed Field Radio Operators Course in January 2001, where he became an 0621, Field Radio
Sergeant Major Brice received orders to 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, Fox Company where he served as the Company's
Radio Operator. While with 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, he deployed to the Mediterranean with the 22nd Marine
Expeditionary Unit, to Iraq in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom, and a unit deployment to Okinawa, Japan. He was
promoted to the rank of Corporal in November 2002. Shortly after his third deployment, Sergeant Major Brice had
honorably completed his four years of active duty service and departed the Marine Corps in July 2004.
In August of 2006, Sergeant Major Brice returned to the Marine Corps and reported to Headquarters and Support Battalion,
Alpha Company, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina on a series of Active Duty Operational Support
orders. Working outside of his radio communications background, Sergeant Major Brice served as the Noncommissioned
Officer in Charge of Base Traffic Court.
In October of 2008, Sergeant Major Brice checked into II Marine Expeditionary Force, G-6 as the Spectrum Chief. In
2009, he attended Radio Chief's course and Frequency Management course, and later deployed to Afghanistan with Marine
Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan in November 2009. In April of 2011, Sergeant Major Brice converted from Individual
Mobilization Augmentee back to regular duty where he executed a lateral move becoming an 1171, Water Support
In July 2011, Sergeant Major Brice checked into Marine Corps Engineer School, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, to
complete his new military occupational specialty training. He was the academic honor graduate for both the Basic and
Advanced Water Support Technician courses in December 2011.
Sergeant Major Brice received orders to Marine Wing Support Squadron-273, Beaufort, South Carolina. After a few
months in the squadron, he deployed to Afghanistan where served as the Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of a
utilities detachment in Forward Operation Base Edinburg.
In August of 2013, Sergeant Major Brice reported to Basic Recruiter School aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot San
Diego. Upon graduation, he received orders to Recruiting Sub-Station Daytona Beach, Recruiting Station Jacksonville,
Florida, where he completed a successful tour in December 2016.
Sergeant Major Brice received orders to 7th Engineer Support Battalion, Camp Pendleton, California, where he served as
the Engineer Support Company, Company Gunnery Sergeant. In January 2018, Sergeant Major Brice received permanent
change of assignment orders to Marine Air Support Squadron-3 to fill a critical billet gap. Upon checking-in to MASS-3,
he was selected for the rank of First Sergeant, where he briefly served as the motor transport and utilities section chief.
He was frocked to First Sergeant on 14 May, 2018 and executed permanent change of station orders to Yokosuka Japan,
Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team Pacific, Marine Corps Security Forces Regiment, where he served as the Unit Senior
Enlisted Leader.
Sergeant Major Brice reported to 2d Radio Battalion Camp Lejeune, North Carolina in July 2022 and served as the
Company Alpha, Unit Senior Enlisted Leader. A few months later, he was selected for Sergeant Major.
Remaining in place, Sergeant Major Brice assumed his post as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of 2d Radio Battalion
on 1 May 2023.
His personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and the Navy and Marine Achievement Award.

II Marine Expeditionary Force