WEBVTT 00:01.919 --> 00:04.500 A good marine is really someone who 00:04.510 --> 00:06.409 puts others first . It doesn't 00:06.420 --> 00:08.699 necessarily mean you're the best PT or 00:08.710 --> 00:10.766 you have to be the best at your M OS 00:10.766 --> 00:13.850 specifically , just being someone who 00:13.859 --> 00:16.340 takes care of other marines and then 00:16.350 --> 00:19.379 you take care of yourself as well . The 00:19.569 --> 00:21.513 cowbell award is an award given to 00:21.520 --> 00:25.059 people who innovate , create or solve a 00:25.069 --> 00:27.680 problem that was happening in a unit or 00:27.690 --> 00:29.746 multiple units at the same time . In 00:29.746 --> 00:31.909 our case , it's duty and the issues 00:31.920 --> 00:34.240 when it comes to people having multiple 00:34.250 --> 00:36.500 weekend duties or multiple workday 00:36.509 --> 00:40.450 duties . So we were awarded this award 00:40.459 --> 00:42.681 specifically for an application we made 00:42.681 --> 00:44.681 because it , it is something that's 00:44.681 --> 00:46.903 going to help the unit and hopefully uh 00:46.903 --> 00:49.070 many other units as well when it comes 00:49.070 --> 00:52.669 to duty . My main motivation to help K 00:52.939 --> 00:55.669 I went out with this app is the amount 00:55.680 --> 00:58.819 of time being wasted planning and um 00:58.830 --> 01:02.099 having meetings for duty . There was a 01:02.110 --> 01:04.379 lot of times where people were put on 01:04.389 --> 01:05.945 days where they had medical 01:05.945 --> 01:08.167 appointments where they were on leave . 01:08.269 --> 01:11.959 And that motivated me to actually go 01:11.970 --> 01:14.699 beyond and work on this app . Uh So 01:14.709 --> 01:16.653 that way these issues won't happen 01:16.653 --> 01:17.019 again .