WEBVTT 00:06.340 --> 00:09.119 Pack off . I'm Sergeant Gavin Robles . 00:09.130 --> 00:11.670 I'm from Denver City , Texas . I am an 00:11.680 --> 00:13.680 exhibition airfield technician . Uh 00:13.680 --> 00:17.120 7011 . I re enlisted in November of 00:17.129 --> 00:20.959 2022 . And my biggest motivation was my 00:20.969 --> 00:23.302 sister . She's , she's a marine as well . 00:23.302 --> 00:25.358 She enlisted two years before me and 00:25.358 --> 00:27.469 just seeing all the like achievements 00:27.469 --> 00:29.691 and accomplishments that she's done and 00:29.691 --> 00:31.858 had it just motivated me to keep going 00:31.920 --> 00:33.860 the opportunity to become a cold 00:33.869 --> 00:36.036 weather instructor kind just fell into 00:36.036 --> 00:37.925 my lap . My O IC was like , hey , 00:37.925 --> 00:40.147 there's a ruck run if you finish a ruck 00:40.147 --> 00:42.202 run in a certain amount of time , uh 00:42.202 --> 00:44.369 You're going to Norway a lot's covered 00:44.369 --> 00:46.202 in the training . We learned how 00:46.202 --> 00:48.425 avalanches happen when they happen . We 00:48.425 --> 00:50.591 did the polar plunge . You really just 00:50.591 --> 00:52.702 learn how to survive in , in winter . 00:59.740 --> 01:02.959 Like is control your , 01:06.050 --> 01:07.939 ok . The next thing you should be 01:07.939 --> 01:11.440 getting yourself in the ice to the pl A 01:11.510 --> 01:13.621 big thing the Marine Corps gains from 01:13.621 --> 01:15.288 gold weather training is just 01:15.288 --> 01:17.399 continuing the fight . It's one thing 01:17.399 --> 01:19.510 to survive in the cold . It's another 01:19.510 --> 01:18.760 thing to be able to fight , keep your 01:18.769 --> 01:21.400 rifle not frozen . So it shoots keeping 01:21.410 --> 01:23.354 your marines , like , mentally and 01:23.354 --> 01:25.466 physically able to keep going because 01:25.466 --> 01:27.577 you could be the strongest guy in the 01:27.577 --> 01:29.743 world if your head is not in it , like 01:29.743 --> 01:29.500 you just have to fight .