To the families of 2d Intelligence Battalion—I welcome you. Please take time to read over the information below and visit any links to familiarize yourself with Camp Lejeune and the local area. Spouses and families can contact any of the below contacts for any questions regarding the unit, your spouse, or anything else which would help you and your family stay informed. If you or your family are not receiving emails from the UPFRP team, please contact one of us immediately.
New join: Camp Lejeune is located in Jacksonville, North Carolina in Onslow County. For those driving personally owned vehicles, you will will need to go to the Main Gate entrance in order to obtain a pass from PMO for your vehicle. When approaching the Main Gate entrance to Camp Lejeune, turn into the parking lot on the right-hand side before the checkpoint. You must have a valid drivers license, proof of insurance and current vehicle registration. This pass is only temporary you will have only a few days to register your vehicle and obtain the base decal. To do this you will need to got to the Joint Reception Center, building 59, where you will begin the check in process. This process encompasses base familiarization and shortly afterwards unit notification. Most importantly for young Marines ensure that you get you orders stamped upon checking into JRC or you unit if after hours, during the holiday or on the weekend.
Camp Lejeune Joint Reception Center (JRC): (910) 451-4349