
2nd Intelligence Battalion

The official command seal for 2nd Intelligence Battalion.
II MEF Information Group
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C.
The Mission

2d Intelligence Battalion's mission is to plan, direct, collect, process, produce and disseminate intelligence, and provide counterintelligence support to the MEF Command Element, MEF major subordinate commands, subordinate Marine Air Ground Task Forces (MAGTF), and other commands as directed.


First Colors
Hydro Survey
2d Intel Bn FEX LtGen Beaudreault
2d Intel Bn FEX Fighting Hole
Bn FEX 21.1 Imagery Analyst

Command Deck

Portrait of Lieutenant Colonel Douglas McDonough
Lieutenant Colonel Douglas McDonough
Commanding Officer, 2d Intelligence Battalion

LtCol Douglas McDonough commissioned in the Marine Corps in May of 2007 out of the University of Florida Reserve Officer Training Corps program.

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Portrait of Sergeant Major Mark J. Miller Jr
Sergeant Major Mark J. Miller Jr
2d Intelligence Battalion Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major Miller was raised in Reading, Pennsylvania and attended Reading High School, where he graduated in June 2001. He enlisted in the Marine Corps and attended MCRD Parris Island in January 2003.

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II Marine Expeditionary Force